Football fans cheering on the game going on below.

Sports Cheering - Micro Stressor - up to 2 hrs

A man is sitting in his car behind the wheel with an exaggeratedly angry face looking right at the viewer.

Road Rage - Micro-Stressor - 3 seconds

Stress relief

Stress is the cause of everything. Yes, everything, going “wrong” with your body. Stress isn’t positive or negative, it just is. From the guy that cut you off and you were the angriest you’ve ever been for 3 seconds or the sports game you cheered at, all day long you receive hundreds of micro-stressors that get stored in your body over time.

Therapeutic Massage is designed to take that tension and stress out of the body as a preventative maintenance measure to keep you healthy and stress free. The less stress your body holds, the more easily you can live life.

Stress prevention

Do you want to feel as relaxed as you do while sitting on a beach listening to the waves? The cares of the stressful day are typically forgotten and you feel light and breezy. Imagine that feeling when you are at the office! When you take away the stress and anxiety that gets built up in your muscles, it is easy to feel that light and care free!

When we are stressed, we build tension in our bodies. That tension builds slowly, so we rarely notice it as it builds over the years. The more stress and tension, the more you feel life weighing you down without realizing it’s a problem.

In a car accident, who does better, a drunk person or a sober person? The drunk person in loose and incapable of tensing up whereas the sober person sees it coming and braces for impact. Usually, this will hurt the sober driver. It isn’t any different than when a person falls down, they might hurt themselves because of tension in their body.

Therapeutic Massage is preventative maintenance. By getting out (and keeping out!) the tension you’ve built up over the years, you are free to handle stress and tension in a brand new way. By remembering massage therapy is a therapy, not a treat, you will be living your best life where the typical micro-stressors do not effect you anymore.

A woman is lying on a rocky beach. Her large brim hat is facing the viewer and we see her feet up in the air as she stretches her legs high.